The Central Connecticut Soccer Alliance Board has established a Code of Conduct for all Coaches, which must be reviewed and accepted prior to participation in any CCSA related activities. These rules will help ensure all members of the Club contribute to providing the best, safest and most effective environment for our players.
The coach's role is a dual one. On the one hand, s/he works on the development of the soccer skills of his players. Onn the other hand, s/he must also teach them the basic sportsmanship values. All coaches within the alliance’s program will promote good sportsmanship among players, foster team spirit, and help participants have fun while teaching the techniques and tactics of effective soccer.
Likewise, each Coach will ensure that his/her conduct sets a good example for team members and spectators. To meet these responsibilities, I agree to the following:
1. I will know the official Laws of the Game of soccer and abide by them. I will instruct players and parents in the rules and motivate each player to compete according to the rules at all times.
2. I will remember that the purpose of game is not to compete at any cost, but to participate and have fun.
3. I will abide by the rules of the Central Connecticut State Alliance and its policies, which may include playing time policy and player rotation system. I will also to adhere to the rules set by CJSA.
4. I will ensure that my assistant coach(es) conduct themselves in accordance with this Code, the policies of the league and the Central Connecticut State Alliance Rules at all games, practices and other team events.
5. I will demonstrate respect for the game officials at all times and refrain from questioning their decisions or challenging their authority.
6. I will be a positive role model for my team and encourage sportsmanship by demonstrating respect, courtesy, and positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other club event.
7. I will maintain control of my emotions and avoid actions, language, and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile and/or humiliating.
8. I will require that my team treat all players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect.
9. I will ensure that fans of my team exhibit sportsmanship and maturity at all times and assist game officials in maintaining control of spectators during games.
10. I will take appropriate steps to minimize scoring in runaway games in accordance with CJSA requirements.
11. I will demand a sports environment that is free from drugs and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all CCSA events.
12. I understand that I have an on-going responsibility while serving as a coach, assistant coach or volunteer to disclose to CCSA any conviction of a crime of violence or a crime against a person, or a felony involving the welfare of a child.
By signing this document, I agree to the above code of conduct, certify that I have read all Central Connecticut Soccer Alliance Rules and will abide by them.
I agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, disciplinary action could include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Verbal warning by CCSA official/board
2. Written warning
3. Game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file by organizations involved
4. Season suspension
5. Removal of coach from all club activities in the future.